India Ink on Clayboard
8 x 8
Available in Studio, Salem, Oregon
8 x 10
9 x 12
Scratchboard: India Ink on Clayboard
India Ink
Accordion Book: Ink on Paper With Fabric and Board Covers
Five Pages each 5 x 7
Available, In Studio, Salem, Oregon
Scratchboard: India Ink on Clay
14 x 18 inches
12 x 12 inches
5 x 7 inches
Available In Studio, Salem, Oregon
8 x 8 inches
6 x 6 inches
Available Lunaria Gallery, Silverton, Oregon
8 x 10 inches
Ink on Clayboard
16 x 20 inches
Scratchboard India Ink on Clay
Available in Studio, Salem,, Oregon
11 x 14 inches
Ink on Paper
12 x 16 inches
Transparent Ink on Scratchboard
India Ink on Paper
12x 15 inches
Available, Lunaria Gallery, Silverton, Oregon
13 x 18 inches
12 x 24 inches
12 x 19 inches
10 x 20 inches
8 x 11 inches
15 x 18 inches
9 x 11 inches
9 x 10 inches
17x 17 inches
18 x 19 inches
16 x 16 inches
13 x 15 inches